
Nuwe Name
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Nuwe name

(o.a. uit die Burger se Snuffelgids)

Soek jy 'n naam vir jou dogter/seun/hond/kat/budgie?
Jou beste vyand?

Kies een uit my versameling
of vorm jou eie Afrikaanse splintergroep
en saal jou slagoffer op met 'n eie unieke maaksel!

The sad fact is that babies called Apple, Strawberry, Booboo, Hickalilly, or whatever, other insane name their mummys and daddys came across while pregnant, often have little chance to become individuals. Because from the day they are born, they are judged on their parent's taste.

Annaliesa Barbieri - Guardian Newspapers 2004


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